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Brighton Banjos Workshop Photo Shoot


Had a lovely start to the day yesterday. The sun was out and I had a visit from Carlotta Luke, a talented photographer. I think she’s putting together a collection of photos based on instrument makers in the Sussex area and she asked to come and visit the workshop.

That in itself was extremely flattering but the fact that she already had an interest in banjos, (her son plays one and I’d recently set it up for him) and likes dogs was a bonus!

Now, in the past, I’ve taken some snaps in the workshop and been pretty pleased with them, but the images Carlotta managed to  capture were so much more vibrant and had a lot more movement in them.

Click on the image to see a larger photo

It’s amazing that she managed to capture the same subject, but her photos just looked so much more “real.”

I’ve put up 2 selections of photos in the gallery and there will be more to follow.

I also mentioned that is was nice that Carlotta liked dogs, especially as I am often joined by my workshop friend Leya. She’s a Wheaton Terrier with absolutely no interest in banjos…

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